Using Open API to Automate Business Processes Through Enhanced Integrations

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Many businesses struggle with managing the ever-increasing layers of data they collect from their batch, dispatch, ERP, and other enterprise-level systems. When systems and processes are not aligned correctly, managing everything individually can be very time-consuming.

By integrating systems using API technology, companies can provide their customers with a better end-to-end experience, reduce back-office workload, and increase efficiency in their production by automating processes.

API integration is extremely beneficial as it helps streamline and consolidate data workflow processes to increase the speed at which information is consumed and shared within organizations. It reduces the costs of obtaining, analyzing, maintaining, and distributing information.


As a result, concrete producers can generate business insights based on the latest data available, eliminate double data entry, and minimize the chance of human error through automation.

The true value of system integrations for any business is the ability to automate data management and to improve the speed and quality of communications both within and between the workforce and customers. By improving communication with drivers and customers, concrete dispatchers can schedule and plan their day more efficiently. It is prudent to keep customers in the loop concerning delivery statuses, will calls, and order changes to ensure quality service and on-time delivery.


Customer experiences are also enhanced with integrated systems. Sysdyne’s iStrada collaboration platform allows dispatchers to communicate with project stakeholders quickly and effectively.

With integrated GPS tracking and online portal technology, customers can track delivery statuses as they happen. Contractors can forecast wait times, resulting in a reduction of unnecessary dispatch calls. Below is a demonstration of how enhanced integrations between enterprise systems can streamline data workflows and automate tasks to boost efficiency.


From left to right

Mix designs and batch results are exchanged between ConcreteGO Central Dispatch and external Quality Control systems using APIs. There is the option of using Cloud Batch which includes both batch and dispatch functionality powered by a single database. Traditionally, customer information is entered in the ERP (enterprise resource management) system and then pushed to central dispatch while mix designs are generated in QC and pushed to dispatch and then ERP.

Business insights generated by Optimization software can also be integrated into ConcreteGO dispatch, which serves as a “quarterback” for the entire ready-mix operation. Project information including customer data, items, tickets, and material usage is connected and updated bi-directionally between ConcreteGO dispatch and ERP systems. The ERP system is responsible for doing what it was designed for and what it does best; invoicing, A/R, inventory, and financial reporting.

Optionally, a 3rd party Batch system can be integrated with central dispatch using the universal link protocol or ULINK.


On the Right

The iStrada delivery management platform is made up of a driver App and an online collaboration Portal. It’s capable of receiving batch weights from the batch system directly on the Paperless ticket (optional), while Telematic and ELD information is made easily available on the iStrada online portal. Digital tickets and timekeeping data can be pushed directly to the ERP system to help streamline the invoicing process. Slump data and water or admixture additions from the VERIFI® In-transit Concrete Management system can be automatically updated directly on the iStrada paperless ticket to ensure quality. To complete the integrations loop, Dash Cam feeds that monitor driver behavior can also be directly linked to the iStrada paperless ticket creating a powerful hub for accessing a large pool of important data all in one place.

Typically, these systems would require the user to access separate portals to view information, creating a never-ending circle of log-ins. In this example, all the data is in one central location to view and act upon quickly and effectively.

The iStrada Collaboration Portal allows project stakeholders to track delivery performance using online KPI dashboards, manage tickets and test data electronically, and even order concrete online.

Automating business processes through enhanced system integration, enables Concrete Producers to be more connected, efficient, and agile in reducing operational costs and driving higher profits. By automating and integrating business processes using OpenAPI, the cost of managing data is reduced, communication with customers is improved and it allows producers to stay more focused on their business. Soon, integrated systems using AI algorithms, IoT, cloud computing, and Big data will allow producers to work even smarter by using predictive models to manage and make adjustments to the supply chain to help further optimize resources and profitability.


About Sysdyne

Sysdyne is the only fully interoperable cloud-native software platform purpose built for ready-mix concrete operations; from sales, to production, to delivery management, billing and analytics (BI). Sysdyne’s innovative cloud batch, cloud dispatch, delivery tracking, paperless ticketing, and customer collaboration applications help concrete producers run more efficiently and profitably. Sysdyne is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, with full product suite US based support servicing customers around the world.

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Our fully integrated products cover the entire spectrum of concrete operations; from sales, to production, to delivery management and billing. The innovative dispatch, batch control, delivery tracking, paperless ticketing, and customer collaboration platform, help concrete producers worldwide run more efficiently and profitably.

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