Scaling Your Business With Advanced Division Settings

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Scaling Your Business With Advanced Division Settings

The management and operation of multiple plants present a variety of challenges. Concrete producers operating multiple plants in different locations may sometimes use a subsidiary brand. Various issues can arise out of this, ranging from using a proper logo on tickets to more complex disparities in the way the subsidiaries operate.

Sysdyne’s ConcreteGO cloud dispatch system and iStrada GPS delivery management platform make it easy for administrators to manage multiple divisions within the same organization. ConcreteGO and iStrada sync division settings, projects, customer details, truck details, items, real-time delivery statuses, employee details, employee clock-in, and clock-out information, orders, tickets, and batch weights.

A producer with operations in multiple regions can control access to their data by granting or denying designated staff access to order, ticket, truck information, and real-time delivery status. Dispatchers in one division may or may not be allowed to look at orders and trucks from other plants or divisions, depending on company policy. Access to plants and locations within the workplace is limited to authorized users, resulting in improved productivity and security in the workplace, as well as better communication within the organization. 

The entire process can be handled using a web browser and a single database. Traditionally, client-server applications would have required separate databases for each region, but that is no longer necessary.

A legacy system with multiple servers must update each location separately when upgrading either their application or database. iStrada GPS Delivery Management platform and ConcreteGO cloud dispatch system allow this to be handled centrally by Sysdyne, eliminating the need to maintain multiple databases and applications.

Management can easily assign plants, trucks, and employees to specific divisions, and determine if those resources are to be viewed by employees from other divisions. For example, dispatchers in different regions of the state may be able to see the trucks of other regions on a map if found.


About Sysdyne

Sysdyne is the only fully interoperable cloud-native software platform purpose built for ready-mix concrete operations; from sales, to production, to delivery management, billing and analytics (BI). Sysdyne’s innovative cloud batch, cloud dispatch, delivery tracking, paperless ticketing, and customer collaboration applications help concrete producers run more efficiently and profitably. Sysdyne is headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, with full product suite US based support servicing customers around the world.

For More Information, Contact:

Tim Dwyer
Sysdyne Technologies



Our fully integrated products cover the entire spectrum of concrete operations; from sales, to production, to delivery management and billing. The innovative dispatch, batch control, delivery tracking, paperless ticketing, and customer collaboration platform, help concrete producers worldwide run more efficiently and profitably.

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