“The upgrade to a portable solution that offers complete control with a detailed record of everything was simple”
A manual push button panel is no longer part of the standard package offered by the majority of batch control providers. When needed, more and more concrete batch operators worldwide load concrete manually using computer batch screens. There are many benefits to replacing manual push-button panels with computers. A manual panel adds complexity and unnecessary risk factors to your operations. Everything that can be done with a manual panel can be done more effectively with smart batch control software.Cost Factor
An electrical manual panel costs 5- 10 times more than a backup computer tower. Some may argue that it’s difficult to replace a computer in the middle of a busy morning. How about if replacing a batch computer is as easy as turning on a laptop – all you need to do is just to plug in the power cord?
Risk Factors
Okay, so nobody wants to imagine employees stealing from their own company… it is, however, always good to be prepared. A manual panel increases the chance for employees to steal from the company. Without a manual panel, there is no way concrete can be loaded without turning on the batch computer. With our Pioneer batch control, everything is tracked, monitored, and recorded. Managers can access the program via a web browser to review inventory reports, assess batch performance, and adjust settings as needed, allowing business operations to run much more smoothly.
There is No Guarantee
An electrical manual panel is not a guaranteed backup – at best it’s a false sense of security for the event that your computer goes down. The solution for this scenario is to have a backup computer; A backup computer would be just a fraction of the price of a manual panel.
The Question You Should Ask
So next time when you need to purchase a batch control system, we hope you will consider if you really need to spend that much money for something you barely touch while you can have all manual control functions on a batch computer.