
Survey Results – RMX Industry Challenges Survey

Written by Tim Dwyer | Jan 4, 2023 2:40:56 PM

The Results Are In | RMX Industry Challenges Survey

Thanks to all those who aired their grievances with us in celebration of Festivus! This one-minute survey and the results will benefit both you and others! After analyzing the results, we have made the following determinations:


78% responded they’re still experiencing challenges with driver shortages. With Sysdyne cloud, you’ll be able to optimize your delivery management to ensure you make the most with what you have.



69% of RMX producers are not taking full advantage of what cloud-native solutions have to offer. Get ahead of the crowd by taking advantage of real-time data, open API and more by adopting Sysdyne’s Cloud-Native solutions.



Over half of RMX producers still struggle with completing projects within cement tolerances Learn how CloudBatch™ can be used to optimize material demand and cementitious content.



63% have at least 3 or more – half of whom have over 5! With Sysdyne Cloud, you’ll have everything you need (and more) made more streamlined and simplified!



Only 27% of RMX producers have a reliable and timely solution to manage material inventory and management. Learn how Sysdyne Cloud provides a solution to better manage material inventory.