
Sysdyne Staff Spotlight: Juan Minier Mejia

Written by Marketing Sysdyne | Jul 20, 2022 9:00:56 AM

Sysdyne Staff Spotlight: Juan Minier Mejia

Originally from the Dominican Republic, I am bilingual in English and Spanish. I earned my electrical engineering degree at City College and started working at Sysdyne in June of 2014. As a service technician, part of my job is customizing our batching systems, designing and drawing circuit diagrams, and providing custom solutions for customers that require special systems for their plants. Often customers come to me seeking advice on their plant control needs. I also provide online and phone support to help identify if a problem is something at the plant, the batch control hardware or the software.

In my eight years at Sysdyne, I’ve had the opportunity to travel all over America, visit numerous countries, and meet many good people while installing our batch control systems. I would say that out of all the places I’ve visited, Texas is my favorite. People from Texas are very friendly, the food is fantastic, and always served in good portions. Once I stayed in Texas for two weeks to install 4 batch control systems consecutively for one of my favorite customers, Alamo Concrete. Even though I spent many hours each day wiring the batch controls, the staff were so friendly and helpful, making it an enjoyable experience for me.

As a problem solver, I always enjoy explaining to others how I’ve tackled challenging, hard and difficult tasks. I’ve expanded a batch panel from 88 I/Os to 120 at the customer site for a dual-lane, wet and dry batch plant. In my experience, the more challenging the task, the more interested I will be – that’s why they call me ‘Magic Juan.’ It’s always my proudest moment when I customize a batch control quickly, it works flawlessly, and a few hours after I finish wiring it up the system our customer is batching 800 yards of concrete back-to-back.

Because our latest Cloud Batch software is now part of ConcreteGO dispatch, I’ve learned a lot about ConcreteGO as well. It fascinates me to see that people can access a batch control system anywhere and batch remotely with a simple login. It is my goal to be able to support all of our products, so I am currently taking training courses to learn more about ConcreteGO and iStrada, our GPS/delivery management system.

Aside from my career, my desire to learn never ends. I’m always keen to learn about history, science, politics, economics, nature, and more. I have many hobbies including travel, reading, hiking, playing sports, bicycling and learning foreign languages.