
Concrete Producer Survey: Displaying Water Details on Paperless Tickets

Written by Marketing Sysdyne | Jul 1, 2020 11:03:36 AM

Concrete Industry Survey

How To Display Water Details on a Concrete Ready Mix Paperless Ticket?

Sysdyne offers innovative software solutions for the Ready Mix industry, including enterprise Cloud batch, Cloud dispatch and online collaboration platforms with Free Paperless Ticketing.

In rolling out Paperless Ticketing to ready mix producers, contractors and inspectors, we are making 100% sure we are providing what the industry actually wants! Water details such as water added at the plant or job site and resulting water cement ratio is critical to job performance. Please take a moment to answer this 3 minute survey, your opinion matters!

Live results of the online survey will be viewable by all participants after completing. Thank you in advance for sharing your point of view. We are all committed to making our industry better and stronger by using the right tools to get the job done.

Please contact your regional Sysdyne representative for complete details by emailing or using our live chat at the bottom of the page.

Thank you,
Sysdyne Team